

斉藤由貴 卒業


and you are wanted a botan on a school uniform by lower grade

happy in mind but you escaped with scrached head

afternoon classroom popular no

you inscribe initial on desk

stop mark please only in your mind

you say as steratch little finger I will call even if we separate

you have bettr not promise unlikely to keep


I want to tie stopped time with thin sailor scarf

but I can not tie your future is changing in tokyo


I am likely to was said cold person if I weep no on graduatinon ceremony

but I want to keep a tear in more sad moment


and sitting order is changed

i was jealous even your next girl

happy in mind angry as i was pull a hair mischief

we walked silently long way untill station for the first time

now timely train rip both standed opposite of home

we have would be friend even if gradiation

this is not lie

but i know we can not meet because to stream season passed


I am likely to was said cold person if I weep no on graduatinon ceremony

but I want to keep a tear in more sad moment